05-02-1984 May 2, 1984 9:00 am Present: Bob Edwards , Sylvia Dougher, Rodney Mosher Minutes were taken by the Chairman in the absence of the Secretary. Rodney showed the Commission members the new backhoe. The bonding is being taken care of by the Town, the first payment from the cemetery will sgow in the 1985 budget. We also saw the new mower. Rodney reported he now has seven Social Services employees working at various times during the week. The two part-time summer employees must be students returning to school in the Fall. The Amirican Legion will place a flag pole and flag at the cemetery; they will tend the flag at all times . The Commission asked about removal of stumps in the cemetery. Rodney' s men will take them out as soon as possible since hiring outside people would be prohibitive. The Urn Garden is being surveyed(and once complete and landscaped*, the Town and Commission will jointly have a press release. We are having regular patrols by both the Sheriff and the State Police. All stones overturned have been reset. Internments 1895 Lots 2400 295