06-05-1985 June 5, 1985 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime and Supt. Mosher There has been no seeding of the new area because of the very dry conditions . Dry wells are being installed where needed . Interments 1225 Lots 2300 Foundations 155$ 3660: July 3, 1985 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime and Supt. Mosher The insurance check for the damage to the vault was not for the full amount. This seems to be based on the vault being listed as a storage building. This should be checked on with the Town. The check was for $5384.84 and the total cost of the accident was tar $7997.65 leaving a deficit of $2612.81. Since defective equipment was involved, the commissioners feel that Case Power and Equipment Co. should make up this amount. The insurance check for the Jenkins Cemetery fence has come and the 0986 covers the full cost of repair. The Brennan family burial was done 24 ft. into the next lot and will be corrected. West Glens Falls has some problems with lot lines which make it very difficult to be accurate. Shrubs have been trimmed at the Quaker Cemetery near Doyles . Interments 2600 Lots 2200 Foundations 3191 n ` 7991 /d//