11-06-1985 Nov. 6, 1985 9 :00 a m Present: Dougher, Edwards , Prime, Supt. Mosher Jenkins fence is in and primed and the painting will wait until Spring. We have two Allstate claims in the Mt. Hermon Cemetery. They will send an adjustor. We will take no action on the family burial problem. Mrs . Grace V. Stevenson has written that the State cemetery group does not have jurisdiction over a municipality and she plans to contact the Attorney General. Interments 1480 Lots 2200 Foundations 2398 . t etA:ird' Dec. 4, 1985 %Anted 9:00 am Present: Dougher, Prime and Supt. Mosher General review by Mosher . There is a need for a new storage building. A double doored garage measuring 24' by 24' will be purchased from Professional Builders for the sum of 42800. The money is in our budget in Contractual and would be transfered to Equip4ment. The commissioners agreed to the purchase. Interments 1400 Lots 1900 Foundations 301 3601 Interments 1225 Lots 1400 0 -u Foundations 30 Vault 100 2755 Interments 1290 `j /7A( Lots 2450 tl�""'� Vault 450 Qy_ 4540