07-02-1986 July, 2, 1986 9:00 am Present : Dougher, Edwards, Prime and Supt . Mosher Discussion of flower gardens that have been planted on certain lots . If they encroach on someone else' s lot, they must be removed. The insurance claim on the cemetery fence at Mt. Hermon has not been paid by Utica Mutual . This problem has been given to the Town Attorney. Cool Agency feels that we have a valid claim. The Town Board is to consider an ordinance against burial on private lands . Since our Commission has to take on all abandonned cemeteries for maintenance, we support this ordinance . The Secretary is directed to write the Board members to this effect . Mr. Mosher will contact the proper County people to get information on planting pine trees along our north and west lines to create visual protection. The Commission thinks this is a good idea no matter what the outcome of planned apartment building. Interments 1390 Lots 1500 Foundations 3269 6159 Margaret A. Prime 1