08-06-1986 August 6, 1986 9: 00 a . m. Present : Dougher, Edwards, Prime and Supt . Mosher The Jenkins fence is painted at long last. The insurance claim for the Mt . Hermon fence has still not been paid. Spring planting of the pines at the rear of Pine View has been recommended. Cemetery roads will all be up to snuff soon. We will not have to budget very much for road repair next year. Mrs . Dougher brought photographs showing that there is no surface drainage on to cemetery property from the north or the west at this time . The drainage came up at the public hearing that the Planning Board held concerning plans for the property off Sweet Road on Pine View' s north. The developers claimed that the natural drainage was on to Pine View property. The budget should go to Fran Walter by August 29. This year will take more time because of the new computer categories but after this it will be easier and more accurate . The income figures used are once more unrealistic and not the sum suggested by the Commission. The Griswold Lot, 100 square feet, is to be sold back to us . The Commission directed Supt . Mosher to send the Griswold family $112 .50 ($150. 00 minus 1/4 for Perpetual Care) . We have not gotten any word on the sale of the land East of Pisano' s except for what we read in the newspaper . When the Boychuk property was sold, Pine View was credited with 25% of the purchase . The newspaper mentioned only 10% this time . The Commission recommends that Rodney Mosher' s salary be adjusted to more accurately reflect his responsibilities and his hours . The Secretary will write to the Town Board members with this recommendation. Interments 1, 435 Lots 1, 800 Foundations 45 3, 280 Margaret A. Prime, Secretary