06-01-1988 PINE VIEW CEMETERY JUNE 1, 1988 9:00am Present : Edwards, Prime and Supt . Mosher Supt . Mosher presented figures on the operation of the crematorium which show an operational profit that is encouraging. The Commissioners, Robert Eddy of the Beautification Committee and Supt . Mosher met with the Pizza Hut people on site and discussed their plans for the plantings . They have followed through with good results at this time . Bank errosion is a possible concern but they have taken some measures of control . Mt . Hermon is still not repaired because Utica Mutual has not paid the full amount . The quote to repair five sections was $1955 and the check was in the amount of $1865. Supt . Mosher will once again ask Wilson Mathias to help us on this . Interments 1500 Cremations 2500 Lots 2250 Boxes 140 Foundations 744. 50 Misc . 138 . 50 4494. 50 2778 . 50 Margaret A. Prime, Secretary