08-03-1988 PINE VIEW CEMETERY COMMISSION August 3, 1988 9:00 AM Present : Dougher, Prime, Edwards and Supt . Mosher Sunnyside Cemetery was hit by an unknown vehicle and atleast $3000 worth of damage has been done to the iron fencing. Mt . Hermon non—payment of damage claim is now being litagated. The new car has arrived. Cremation costs were discussed as well as other budget figures . The 1970 pickup truck should be replaced in the near future . No real increases in budget are contemplated except for those from the labor contract . Interments 1900 Cremations 3920 Lots 1950 Boxes 300 Foundations 2182 . 50 Urns 187. 53 Misc . 60 6032 . 50 4467. 53 Margaret A. Prime, Secretary