06-07-1989 PINE VIEW CEMETERY COMMISSION JUNE 7, 1989 9: 05am Present : Dougher, Edwards and Supt . Mosher The Town attorney is working on information concerning bidding if that is necessary for a new retort . He will report to the Commission. Betty Monahan, Councilman from Ward 1, has turned over information about extra footage on the west side of Sunnyside Cemetery, belonging to the cemetery and outside the fence , to the attorney. There has been a request from Scout Leader Dave Hall to work in Sunnyside Cemetery. More information will follow. Artificial flowers were again put on graves for Memorial Day and removed by the cemetery employees and kept for the owners . There is no State contract available at this time so we will have to go to bid for the pickā€”up truck. The Town Clerk is getting the bids ready for advertising. The new tractor has been delivered. Rodney is to check on length of time to make the fence for Sunnyside and with the State as to the amount of funds that can be spent on outside cemeteries . Will discuss this matter in July after information is made available . Interments 2100 Cremations 5040 Lots 4500 Containers 400 Foundations 1175 Misc . 55 7775 5495 From notes taken by Sylvia Dougher f a I