11-01-1989 PINE VIEW CEMETERY COMMISSION Nov. 1, 1989 9: 00am Present : Edwards, Dougher and Supt . Mosher The pond has been drained. More stumps will be removed during the winter and spring. Water is off and the last of the foundations in. Received letter from the town attorney regarding purchasing procedure for a lot belonging to Kramer . On file . Rodney will follow through. Rodney suggested we charge $100 to anyone not taking ashes after cremation and dispose of them in the free ground . This will be discussed next month along with our fee schedule . Received letter from Bartlett, Pontiff et al . concerning the proposed Harrisena Church Cemetery. On file . Edward and Grace Kenny have requested an exchange of lots . Rodney was authorized to work out a feasible solution to the extra cost . Rodney reported he is staking out lots for sale during winter months in the flat marker and and new sections . The Commission authorized Rodney to contact Turney Welding to see if we omitted some of the fancy scroll work on the Sunnyside fence if the cost could be brought down under $5000 thus avoiding going to public bid . Interments 2000 Cremations 3360 Lots 4200 Containers 380 Foundations 1957 Misc . 10 8157 3750 From notes taken by Sylvia Dougher