Nov. 7, 1990
9: 00am
Present : Dougher, Edwards, Prime and Supt . Mosher
There was discussion of the multiplicity of decorations on the
graves . Complaints have been made and will be logged in the future
to determine if changes should be made in our enforcement of Rule
#8 and/or if the wording of Rule #8 should be modified.
There is a problem with the filling in of the low spot in East
Ave . . Paul Nalor has been contacted and pointed out that the
change in run—off would put the water into the West Glens Falls
Cemetery. Bob Edwards will look into this matter.
Six shrubs have been stolen from Pine View. The Sheriff' s
Department has been notified .
Interments 2075 Cremations 3220
Lots 2400 Containers 280
Foundations 252 Misc . 30
4727 3530
Margaret A. Prime, Secretary