02-07-1996 QUEENSBURY CEMETERY COMMISSION February 7, 1996, a.m. PRESENT: WORKING FOREMAN, MIKE LOPEZ COMMISSIONERS: SYLVIA DOUGHER, BOB EDWARDS, TERRY HIGGINS There were 470 cremations in 1994 and 511 in 1995 . During a funeral on February 5, 1996 a Mr. Montgomery from Cambridge was injured. The area had been sanded and groomed in preparation for the funeral. The injury was reported to the insurance company. Rodney contacted Cathy Geoffroy regarding the water hookup. The funds were encumbered for 1996 . Edward Matraw, the cremator, had hip replacement surgery on February 8th. The Crematorium is being run by Mike Lopez and Gary Grant in his absence. f We received the Resolution Regarding Cemetery Funds from the Town Board DECEMBER 1995 Cemetery: Crematorium: Interments $2 , 080 Cremations $7 , 770 Tots 4, 375 Cardboards 550 Foundations 168 Miscellaneous 125 Vaults 500 --- -- TOTALS $7,123 $8,445 JANUARY 1996 Cemetery: Crematorium: Interments $3, 340 Cremations $6, 730 Lots 2, 800 Cardboards 500 Foundations 72 - Miscellaneous 40 Vaults 800 TOTALS $7,012 $7, 270 ' .