06-04-1977 QUEENSBURY CEMETERY COMMISSION JUNE 4, 1997 9 a.m. • PRESENT: Superintendent, Rodney Mosher Commissioners: Sylvia Dougher, Bob Edwards, Terry Higgins Councilmen: Ted Turner - All., the cemeteries were prepared for Memorial Day. - There were 36 cremations in May and one body left in the Vault. Rodney met with Fred Champagne and Chuck Rice regarding the building expansion. The Commission will be contacting an architect to set up a meeting. . Ed Matraw is on vacation and Mike Lopez is filling in at the crematory. This meeting is Sylvia•s last official meeting and we are taking applications for her position. There was a general discussion of a Community Mausoleum and doing a survey as to the interest of the people in the area. n . MAY 1997 Cemetery: Crematorium: Interments $2, 985 . Cremations $6,780 . Lots 7, 000 . Cardboards 325. Foundations 1, 521. Misc. 20. misc. 50. TOTALS: $11,556. $7,125 . Terry Higgins Secretary