January 7, 1998 - 9 a.m.
PRESENT: Superintendent Rodney Mosher
Commissioners: George Wiswall, Bob Edwards, Terry Higgins
Councilmen: Ted Turner
There were 45 cremations in December for a total of 552 for the year.
Seven bodies are still in the Vault.
Dan Merrill will be sitting in on the Cemetery Commission for the Town Board.
All burials have been made this winter with no problems and the roads have been kept
On January 5, 1998 there was an ice storm and two funerals that were scheduled that
morning went smoothly due to the cooperation of the Town Highway Department
sanding the front and Warren County sanding the back.
Building progress is moving slowly and now is behind schedule.
Some roads in at. Pine View need repair and repaving in the Spring. Ted Turner will
make contact with Paul Naylor regarding this.
There was no response as to the results of the ground testing done on the west side of
the Cemetery.
We anticipate fencing to separate Quaker Cemetery from the new complex.
Cemetery: Crematorium:
Interments $4,020. Cremations $8,575.
Lots 2,100. Cardboards 475.
Vaults 300. Misc. 100.
$6,420. $9,150.
Theresa Higgins