07-01-1998 Queensbury Cemetery Commission
July 1, 1998 - 9 a.m.
Present: Rodney Mosher, Superintendent
Commissioners: George Wiswall, Bob Edwards, Terry Higgins
There were 38 cremations in June for a total of 282 for the year.
Rod will call Stan Hunt regarding our tree removal bill .
Ron Havens will be retired as of July 10.
The new floors in the office need some work. Rod has contacted
Paul Cushing.
Hank Manney is still out with a broken thumb.
A new water line will be installed in West Glens Falls Cemetery.
We will be employing two young men from the Warren County
Employment and Traing at no cost to us. They will work a 4 day
week from July 6 to August 28 .
An application is being sent to hire Josh Lopez as a temporary
summer worker, mostly doing work in the outside cemeteries.
Rodney will be looking into Seeley #2 cemetery as an inquiry was
made regarding its maintenance.
Northway Plaza Associates is having an appraisal done at their
expense on the property that separates Pine View Cemetery from
the Plaza.
JUNE 1998
Cemetery: Crematory:
Interments $3,170. Cremations $7,290 .
Lots 2, 650. Cardboards 325.
Foundations 455. Misc. 20.
Totals $6:275. $7, 635.
Theresa Higgins