05-05-1999 QUEENSBURY CEMETERY COMMISSION May c 1999 n _ PRESENT: Supervisor: Rod-e. Mosher Commissioners: George Wiswall, Bob Edwards, Terry Higgins There were 53 cremations in April Rodney checked into fees at other local cemeteries and found our fees to be in the same range. There was a brief discussion h_LJs!VL CLLY. raising the SC.L-a!n.1. CCC] but :. 1^: decided to -.. until the end of the year to take this under consideration. Monahan & Laughlin will be putting a new cap on the old stack at the crematorium. Edward Hand of the NYS Cemetery Board stopped in to see Rodney. He suggested we change -Perpetual nn_c, t0 unC-_ Cucu. Maintenance. Fund". The Cemetery' LL _ ._.±n`:v!_ • n !.. agreement with this recommendation. Mr. Hand also stated that at his professional conferences Qt\U__.-_L.._. :_ _1..._y_ .____t1___J for the _x__I1_..__ _f .L_ _p_-_.:_n _C.L_ _-_�__t__. _nJ ueensbury- � a'?:':10 mentioned 1Vl I±IC excellence V1 the t.'�.'C(IIL1Uf1 L'1 Inc crematory C1'+J maintenance standards. The first foundation pour is completed and the second will be done before Memorial Day. The loggers are done cutting and will be out of Pine View this week. Charles E. Downs and Charles E. Downs, Jr. will be selling a family lot back to Pine View due . _C.L A _1 . n has L __-. ... .L_ Town n__-J _._d AA_ Il_ will±V C. .l'YC OW. L. .:±C CIOC. . resolution IICJ VCCII sent to InC 1 V?\'II f'VQIV and i ^.1. ✓UWIJS ?'VIII receive a check for $467. Mrs. Pateman registered a complaint regarding the clean-up after the logging in the area that she has a 1v♦. The crew Las since cleaned it :Cand n_.. Pateman is satisfied. The outside cemeteries are all cleaned up and Quaker Cemetery is being mowed. The fence at Quaker till UP but Berkshire_L. _ L continued . Rod.L_. :t will L_ f_ L U L±.^.1C: 1_ _...: llV1 L`U: L`C±.•i�l:e!C Il.^.l CV!1V IIVCU to assure ±\VL1 that !L ?1'1!' be :V±LIIi V!1!1!!?. APRIL 1999 • n.... .c±c_v. Crematorium: Interments $2,480. Cremations $10,335. cnn !�_ "J1_ __t_ Lots _.1_.. L_"�I VIJOa!V1 _ _. Foundations 442. Misc. 120. l n.n .vaul. nenta1 Misc. 2,505. (Logging) T!\'i•A rC. cn 1n7 9410,8-LO.n 1L'1t1LJ. Theresa Higgins