11-03-1999 Queensbury Cemetery Commission
November 3, 1999 - 9 a.m. •
PRESENT: Superintendent Rodney Mosher
Commissioners George Wiswall,Bob Edwards, Terry Higgins
Councilman Ted Turner
There were 49 cremations in October.
Fall cleanup is continuing.
Thomas and Mary Nidds' lots were repurchased by Resolution 345-99 and a check sent.
Marilyn VanDyke is trying to contact Berkshire Corp. about the fence at Quaker Cemetery.
The Commission will respond to a letter from Michael Muller regarding the Commission
acquiring 1/3 of Seeley Cemetery which is currently being used by Brian Lee of Lee Memorials.
Foundations are poured for the year and the water has been turned off.
Rodney is continuing to gather information on Columbariums.
Northway Plaza has put a$1,000 binder on the cemetery property leaving a balance of S19,000.
The Commission will be reviewing and amending the Rules & Regulations and Deeds. We will
also be reviewing and perhaps increasing burial fees and services.
Ed Matraw is recovering well from his hip operation.
A bulldozer was rented from Albany Ladder for one week at a cost of$975.
Rodney is considering having Emerson Walker, Jr. return with his horses to do some more
logging this fall to roughly 50-60 trees that were fallen due to Hurrican Floyd.
Interments $2,885. Cremations $ 9.555.
Lots 3,850. Cardboards 450.
Foundations L275. Misc.
TOTALS $8,010. $10,045.
Theresa Higgins