06-16-1948 3
June 16, 1948
Regular Monthly meeting of Cemetary Commission called to
order at 8:15 P.M. by Chairman Joseph Regan. All Commissioners
present; Also, Supervisor, H. Russell Harris, County Attorney,
Albert Beswick and Cemetary Superintendent, Frank Scoville.
Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved.
County Attorney Albert Beswick questioned by members of
the Commission and the Town Supervisor in regard to procedures
to be followed in the care and spending of funds in the custody
of the Commission and other monies used by the Commission. Mr.
Beswick gave the following advice in regard to the above:
1. All money should be turned over to the Cemetary Comm.
and deposited by its Treasurer. Perpetual Care funds to remain
in custody of the Cemetary Commission, and other money for-
services such as opening graves, setting stones, etc., and
money for the purchase price of lots is to be turned over to
the Town Supervisor each month to help defray operating costs,
payrolls, etc. paid by him. Treasurer is to be authorized to draw
checks for said purpose.
2. Income from perpetual care money, gifts, & bequests
for definite improvements to any cemetary or individual lot is
to be handled entirely by the Commission and does not go through
the hands of the Town Supervisor.
Other business was transacted as follows: —
Resolution duly made seconded and carried that Frank L.
Cowles, Jr., Treasurer, is duly authorized to draw checks on
the bank account of the Cemetary Commission of the Town of
Queensbury. Copy of the above resolution to be filed with the
Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Company, Glens Falls, N.Y.
Motion made, seconded and carried to purchase $5,000 bond
for each member of the Cemetary Commission, for terms to co—
incide with the:term of office of each respective commissioner.
Bonds to be written by John 0. Webster, R.D. 1, Glens Falls.
It was agreed, after a discussion with the Supervisor of
the Town, and the County Attorney, that the Cemetary Commission
of the Town of Queensbury does have jurisdiction over all
Cemetaries of the Town of Queensbury which do hot have a Board
of Directors or other duly authorized body to assume responsibility
for their care and maintainence. Secretary Sidney Van Dusen reported
that he had talked with Ernest Hillis of Gurney Lane in regard to the
Gurney Lake Cemetary and was informed that this cemetary does have
at this time an active board of directors and therefore would not
come under the jurisdiction of the Cemetary Commission at this
time. Cemetaries now under the jurisdiction of the Cemetary
Commission are: — West Glens Falls, Mr. Herman, Pine View, Jenkins,
Scotch, Sunnyside, Seelye, and Harrisena.
June 16,1948 (Cont' d)
It was dedided that the Superintendent of Pine View Cemetary
should have a book in which to record the price of lot, name of
purchaser, lot & plot number, etc. Such a book is to be purchased.
A discussion was held on whether or not any "free ground"
should be set aside in the Pine View Cemetary. Matter was laid
on the table for further investigation and consideration.
Secretary reported on the work done on the circle in front
of the Vault in Pine View Cemetary. Circle has been plowed and
work done with a Rototiller, but some smoothing and finish grading
should be done before the area is seeded.
It was decided that members of the Commission should make
an inspection tour of the cemetaries of the Town to ascertain the
condition of each. Monday, June 21, at 7:00 P.M. was designated
as the time for such inspection to start.
Secretary secured receipt books for use of Superintendent &
Treasurer. Said books were adopted by the commission, and the
Secretary was authorized to purchase suitable minute books of a
permanent nature for use of the Commission.
It was voted that the Superintendent is to have either cash
or check when a grave is opened or a plot purchased. •
Voted to raise the price of infant burials from $8 to $10.
Motion made, seconded and carried to increase Superintendent' s
salary to $190 monthly to be paid twice per month in equal payments
of $95. Superintendent is to be responsible for drawing deeds,
sketches of plot and all Cemetary records pertaining to sale of
burial plots.
Voucher for imitation grass mound cover received for amount
of $105.00 which is in excess of our original motion to purchase
cover at a cost not to exceed $100. Motion made, seconded and
carried to amend the previous motion, increasing it sufficiently
to cover the amount of the voucher.
Treasurer reported that it•was found that is is illegal to
establish a petty cash fund, and therefore motion was duly made, •
seconded and carried to recind previous motion made at May 19
meeting setting up such a fund.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
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