09-22-1948 8 Sept. 22, 1948 SPECIAL MEETING Special meeting hald at the home of Supervisor H. Russell Harris for the purpose of setting up tentative proposed budget for the Town of Queensbury Cemetary Commission for the year 1949. Various items going to make up proposed budget discussed by Supervisor Harris, Commissioners Regan, Cowles & Van Dusen, and Supt. Frank Scoville. After careful consideration of the matter, a proposed budget was drawn up and signed by all members of the Cemetary Commission. A copy of the proposed budget is attached to these minutes. Two copies of budget filed with the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. • C� t. 42116:'Ce*."7. an7 Sy • ANNUAL EST'MAT 4 FOR TOWN OF WEENSBURY ti- BABY COIWZBSION 449 . ..i EXPENDATURES Cost of improvements Permanent aurfaaing of Drives $300 Grading and seeding of new areas 150 76r ° New equipment '3n 3 2 )r Material for motespent foundations .. l °° TOTAL $875 Paintsinanes t Personal services $5,000 • Repairs to existing equipment 300 Materials for ground ttaintat'ta;nco 150 Gas, oil & garage Rental 200 Compensation 'neurones 2002 a-° Bond for Commissioner d Superintendent 50 :.5° Heat 50 Miami. 9zpQnse . sass TOTAL Y 'i - TOTAL BXPSADATURES 06,875 . Redemption of Indebtedness & Int. 563.75- $7,438:75 REVENUES off-Ws- Sale u=:J - Bale of burial lots less Perpetual dare fttd $1,800 Fees for opening graven Boa . Fees for setting markers & monuments 300 Rental of vault TOTAL REVENUES 03,000 .