12-15-1948 11 December 15, 1948 REGULAR MONTHLY IJIEETING Meeting called to order by President Joseph Regan at 7 :45 P.M. Commissioners Regan, Cowles, and Van Dusen present ; also , Supt . Scoville . Minutes of the preceding meeting read and approved. Treasurer Frank Cowles reported total receipts since last meeting of 4278.25 of which $250.75 has been turned over. to Supervisor H. Russell Harris and the balance of $27.50 has been deposited in the perpetual Care Fund. Secretary was directed to write a letter to Mrs. John Peters of Memphis, Tenn, answering her inquiry as to the status of 30 shares of Pine View Cemetary Stock held by her. A general discussion was held on future planning of the Pine View Cemetary. Sectring. a,_rebate on gasoline taxes paid by the town was discussed. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried authorizing the Pine View Cemetary Supt Frank Scoville to endeavor to find someone to cut brush and small trees in the Cemetary for the wood. A discussion of the rate of salary of the Supt, and the rate of pay for additional labor took place, with no specific conclusions reached at this time . It was decided by the board that we should ask members of the Town Board to meet with us at the Pine View Cemetary on Sunday, December 18 , at 3 P.M. to decide upon an area for "Free Ground" to be set aside for that purpose. Meeting adjourned at 9 :40 P. M. Secr tary