02-16-1949 1 3
February 16, 1949
Meeting called to order by President Joseph Regan at
7 :50 P.M. All Commissioners and Supt Frank Scoville present.
Minutes of December 15 and January 11 meetings read and
Treasurer Frank Cowles reported that he attended the
January meeting of the Town Board. Also reported total receipts
of $290. with 4ii260 being turned over to Supervisor H. Russell
Harris , and $30. being deposited in the Perpetual Care Fund.
Motion was duly made , seconded, and carried that Inland
Marine Insurance be carried to cover the equipment kept on
the premises of Pine View Cemetery.
Treas. Frank Cowles read a letter from Kathryn 6i. E.
O 'Brien, in regard to the sale of lots owned by her. Letter
was turned over to Supt . Scoville to be checked upon to de-
termine what lots Mrs. O 'Brien owns .
Letter received from Minnie Bidwell of Harrisena Church
requesting contract for care of Harrisena and Seelye cemeteries
as they did last year . Motion duly made , seconded, and carried
that Harrisena Church be given the contract at the same rate as
last year.
Secretary reported that he has written a letter to the
Attorney General and also filled out the questionnaire as
completely as possible . Copy of the letter to Attorney General
is attached to these minutes.
Meeting adjourned at 9 :00 P.M.
Se etary.