07-20-1949 1. 6 July 20, 1949 REGULAR MONTHLY PEETING Meeting called to order by President Joseph Regan at 7 :45 P.L. Commissioners Regan, Cowles , and Van Dusen present ; also , Supt . Frank Scoville . Treasurer Frank Cowles reported receipt of $50. donation from Gertrude Seelye Morresy of 399 Broadway, Long Branch, N. J. , and he is to write letter of thanks for this donation. Bills were audited and Secretary was directed to contact Supervisor to make sure there was no duplication of bills before they are presented to the Town Board for payment. Treasurer Frank Cowles reported total receipts since last meeting of $188.75 .of which $15. was retained in the Perpetual Care Fund and the balance of $173.75 was turned over to Super- visor• Harris . Need for a file cabinet for use of the Pine View Cemetery Superintendent was discussed, and motion was duly, made, seconded, and carried to authorize Supt . Scoville to secure prices and quotations on appropriate filing equipment and report at the August meeting. Secretary was authorized to order 500 Bill Heads for use of Supt Scoville in billing for lots , openings , etc. Meeting was adjourned at 9 :10 P. M. Secre ry.