08-17-1949 18
August 17, 1949
Meeting called to order by President Joseph Regan at
7 :40 P.M. Commissioners Regan, Cowles, and Van Dusen present ;
also , Pine View Supt . Frank Scoville .
Supt Scoville reported that the brakes on the. cemetary
truck have failed completely and will have to be repaired.
Motion duly made , seconded and carried that he be authorized
to have repairs made as found necessary.
Supt Scoville reported his findings and prices on
suitable file cabinets for use of Pine View Cemetary records .
Motion was duly made , seconded and carried that a file
cabinet with locks be ordered.
IBotion made , seconded, and carried that Supt Scoville
prepare , fertilize and seed the circle in front of the
vault in Pine View Cemetary.
Bills were audited. Supt Scoville turned over the
following monies to Treasurer Frank Cowles : For sale of
lots , $530.00; and for interments , $180.00. Of this money
$132.50 is to be credited to the Perpetual Care Fund, and
077.50 to be turned over to Supervisor Harris.
Meeting adjourned at 9 :00 P. M.
c Vary 6