12-21-1949 22
Regular Meeting
December 21, 1949 [
Meeting called to order by Chairman Joseph Regan
at 7 :45 P. M. Commissioners Regan, Cowles, and Van Dusen
present; also, Supt. Scoville.
Minutes of November meeting read and approved.
Treasurer Frank Cowles reported receipts of $336.
for sale of lots, including $84. for perpetual care,
interments, $115. and foundations $7.50, making a total
of $458.50 of which $374.50 is to be turned over to
Supervisor Harris.
Chairman Regan stated that he, had been asked
by Mrs. Florabelle Lee Glenn, if she might have per-
mission to sell a part of her cemetery lot Pine View
Cemetary. Matter was discussed, and Mrs. Glenn was
contacted by telephone on the matter. Motion was duly
made, seconded and carried that upon receipt of a
formal request in writing from Mrs. Glenn, the secretary
be instructed to write her immediately, giving her the
necessary authorization to sell, a part of her lot on
the condition that she inform us immediately upon such
sale, the name of the purchaser, and the portion of the
lot sold so that proper corrections can be made in our
records of Pine View Cemetary.
Meeting adjourned at 8 :40 P. M.