01-20-1950 23
January 20, 1950
Meeting called to order by Chairman Joseph Regan at 7 :45
P. M. Commissioners Regan, Cowles and Van Dnsen present , also
Supt Scoville.
' Minutes of December meeting read and apps oved.
Treasurer Frank Cowles reported receipts of $150. for
interments which will be turned over to Supervisor H. Russel
Letter from U. S. Treasury Department relative to income
tax received and placed on file. '
Supt . Scoville reported that Mrs. Glenn, who was recently
granted permission to sell a part of her Lot in Pine View
Cemetaiy, had been to see him in regard to the transaction.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.: M. -
Sec ,-tart'