03-15-1950 r REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING March 15 , 1950 Meeting called to order by President Regan at 7 :45 P. M. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Treas . Frank Cowles reported receipts for the month, as follows : Rental of vault , $75.00 ; Openings $35.00; Total, $110.00. Secretary reported receipt of letter and blank questionnaire from the Cemetery Commission of the State of New York. This questionnaire appears to be relative to privately owned and operated cemeteries, and probably does not pertain to a Town owned cemetery such as Pine View. After discussion, it was decided to fill in as much of the questionnaire as possible and send it with a letter of ex- planation to the Cemetery Commission. Secretary is to take care of this matter . A discussion of the cost and need for new doors for the crypts and the repair of the front doors of the Vault took place. Supt . is to get prices ,on marble doors for crypt and attempt to repair vault doors. , Motion made, seconded and carried to send the cutting head of the electric grass trimmer back to the J. R. Orr Co. for overhaul, and also to purchase 6 new cutting knives. Meeting adjourned at 8 :50 P. M. Secre ry.