04-19-1950 26
April 19 , 1950
Meeting called to order by President , Joseph Regan,
at 7 :30 P. M. Commissioners Regan, Cowles , and Van Dusen
present . Also , Supt . Scoville.
Minutes of the February and March meetings read and
Treasurer Frank Cowles reported the following receipts :
Interments , 0110; Tent Rental, 010.00; Vault Rental , $30.00; and
Sale of Lot, $165.00, Total 0315.00.
Secretary Van Dusen was appoint4d to attend the next
meeting of the Queensbury Town Board. He is to inquire as to
the progress of the survey of the Pine View Cemetery by the
County Engineer.
Supt . Scoville reported that he had been approached by
Elmer Barber in regard to the sale of the old Dodge truck owned
by the Cemetery which is no longer in operating condition for
the sum of $25.00. Motion duly made , seconded and carried that
the Cemetery Commission is in favor of selling the above truck
if permission is granted by the Town Board. Secretary to request
such permission from the Town Board.
Discussion took place on the need for new doors on
the crypts at Pine View Cemetery. Supt . Scoville was directed
to get quotations on new doors to. replace broken dones .
Motion duly made , seconded and carried to purchase
new power lawn mower from Call Hardware Company at $164.50. Supt.
Scoville to secure mower immediately.
Meeting adjourned at 8 :45 P. M. ��
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