06-22-1950 28 REGULAR MONTHLY I: STING June 22 , 1950 Meeting called to order at 7 :10 P. M. by Pres. Joseph Regan. Commissioners Regan, Cowles , and Van Dusen present; also , Supt. Scoville . Discussion took place of the advisability of having stickers printed to be pasted to the deeds for Cemetery lots prohibiting the setting of plants into the ground on cemetery plots . Receipts fb r the evening: Foundations 0 7 . 50 Sale of Lots 260. 00 Interments 140. 00 Total 0407. 50 Amount to be turned over to Supervisor Harris is $342.50 and amount to go into perpetual care fund is $65.00. Meeting adjourned at 8 :30 P. M. Se( etary.