11-15-1950 34
November 15, 1950
Meeting called to order by President Joseph Regan at 7 :30
P. M. Commissioners Regan and Van Dusan present, also , Supt .
Scoville .
Supt . Scoville reported marble doors for crypt will cost
X50.00 each. Motion duly made, seconded and carried that
Supt . purchase three doors to replace those broken in the
vault . Purchase to be made from Daniel Dougherty, Glens
Falls .
Supt . Scoville reported that erection of a new fence at
Sunnyside Cemetery as authorized by the Town Board is
nearing completion. Figures for the cost of this in-
stallation to be ready for the December meeting of this
Supt. Scoville reported that he has secured garage space
for the Pine View truck at Edward Jenkins' garage on
Homer Avenue.
Motion made , seconded and carried that the ceiling of
the vault be scraped and painted before winter weather.
The Secretary is to attend the next meeting of the Queens-
bury Town Board.
Receipts for the month were reported by Supt . Scoville ,
as follows : -
Sale of Lot a10.00
Interments 120.00
Foundations j 18.13
Total $ ',248.13
See tart'.