01-17-1951 36
January 17 . 1951
Meeting called to order at 7 :40 P. M. Commissioners Cowles '
and Van Dusenresent ; also , Superintendent Scoville .
The minutes of last meeting were read by the secretary and
Secretary reported that Commissioner Joseph Regan had •
passed away. •
The motion was made , seconded and passed that the secretary
write an appropriate letter of sympathy to Mrs. Regan.
Motion was made , seconded and passed authorizing Supt .
Scoville ' to :purehase a new battery for the truck.
The secretary was instructed to write a letter to the
Town Board recommending a salary increase of 0200.00
(02600.00) for the superintendent of the cemetery and
that the hourly rate for , laborers be raised to 0.95 per
Treasurer Cowles reported the following receipts :
Sale of Lots `v' 280. 00
interments . .30.00
Vault ' • 15.00 .
Total p 325.00
Meeting adjourned at 9 :45 P.M.