06-22-1951 41
June 22, 1951
Meeting called to order at 8 :10 P. M. Commissioners
Regan, Van Dusen and Cowles present ; also, Supt . Frank
Secretary reported that he had contacted Karl Kreiser about
the insurance on equipment at Pine View Cemetery and that
Mr . Kreiser stated he would check the inventory of equipment
at Pine View Cemetery.
Supt . Scoville reported hehad completed cutting .the grass
in all the cemeteries.
Treas. Cowles reported on his investigation of legal in-
vestments for perpetual care fund.
Motion duly made , seconded and carried that we invest pl,000.00
in U. S. Treasury 2 % Bonds , due June 15 , 1962, at approximately
098.00 ; 01500.00 in Cleveland Electric Illuminating 35 Bonds,
due July, 1970 , at approximately 0100.00 ; and 01,000.00 in
Central New York Power 3% Bonds, due October , 1974, at approx-
imately c97.00.
The treasurer is directed to purchase the above securities
in the name of the Cemetery Commission, Town of C,ueensbury,
and draw check on our bank account to pay costs of bonds and
brokerage fees.
Motion duly made , seconded and carried that the treasurer be
directed to rent a 'safe deposit to x at the Glens Falls National
Bank and Trust Company.
Treasurer Frank Cowles reported receipts, as follows :
Interments 8 130.00
Sale of Lot 170.00
Foundations 22.50
Total 322.50
• Motion duly made , seconded and carried that Supt . Scoville
be authorized to hire a power mowing machine to cut the hay
at rine View Cemetery.
Meeting adjourned at .9 :40 P. M.
See etary.