07-18-1951 42
July 18 , 1951
Meeting called to order at 8 :10 P. L. by Secretary
Sidney Van Dusen. Commissioners Denny, Cowles , and
Van Dusen present ; also , Supt . Frank Scoville .
Commissioner Charles E. Denny, recently appointed by
the Town Board of the Town of cueensbury to the Cemetery
Commission was welcomed.
Election of officers for the corning year took place and
upon motion and vote the following officers were duly
elected : President - Charles K. Denny; Secretary -
Sidney Van Dusen; Treasurer - Frank Cowles.
Treasurer• Cowles reported that he has received for the
Commission the two U. S . Governtment Bonds (0500.00 each)
and one :Central:Nevi York Poter 01,000.00 Bond. The 01500.
Cleveland Electric Bond has not been received to date.
The Treasurer also reported that Safe Deposit Box #1532
in the Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company has
been assigned to the Cemetery Commission, Town of Queens-
bury, Frank Cowles , Treasurer.
A discussion on future improvements to Pine View Cemetery
such as survey, hard top drives , entrance gate , Memorial ,
etc . was held.
• Treasurer Cowles reported receipts , as follows :
Sale of Lots : 0 225.00
Interments 75 .00
Foundations 15.00
Total 0 315.00
Meeting adjourned.