09-28-1951 45 SPECIAL MEETING • September 28, 1951 Meeting called to order at 8 :00 P. M. Commissioners Denny, Cowles and Van Dusen present ; also , Superintendent Scoville. Meeting called for the purpose of adopting a tentative budget for the year 1952 to be presented to the Town Board on Sept- ember 30th. Discussion was held on various expense .itahs for the coming year and also estimates of probable revenues. The attached budged was duly adopted and the secretary is to submit copies to the Town Clerk of the Town of Queensbury. kr . Robert G. Carnohan of 15073 Greenview, Detroit , Michigan was present at the meeting and stated that he wished to sell Lot m 258 , Sec. iah - Ta - iiah Plot . He had gained title to the lot through inheritance from his father , and, living in Detroit ,has no use for the lot . There have been no burials on the lot . Lotion duly made , seconded and carried that the Cemetery Commission purchase the lot from Mr . Carnohan for the sum of 0100.00 - the purchase price of the lot at the time it vas sold to his father. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M. Sec etary. • • 46 PIEE VIEW CESTERY 1952 BUDGET COST OF II.PROVE.'JnTS : Grading of Cemetery Property $ 300.00 Preparation of neva burial area, seeding, etc . 600.00 Eecr equipment 200.00 Ieaterial for monuments and foun- dations 50.00 31150.00 MAII;TE IA.:CE : Personal Service : 5800.00 Repairs to Existing Equipment 250.00 • Material for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas , oil , w garage rental 250.00 Compensation Insurance 300.00. Bond for Commissioner & Superintendent 50.00 Heat 50.00 Misc. Expense 50.00 $6850.00 $8000.00 REVENUES : Sale of Lots, less perpetual care $2500.00 Fees for opening graves 1000.00 Fees for setting markers & monuments 100.00 Fees for rental of vault 50.00 Fees for caring for abandoned 850.00 cemeteries Total Revenues 44500.00 Est . Balance , Dec. 31, 1951 1200.00 5700 . 00 BUDGET APPROPRIATION $2300.00