10-17-1951 4.7
October 17 , 1951
Meeting called to order at 8 :40 P. M. by President Charles
Denny. Also , Commissioners Cowles and Van Dusen, and Supt .
Scoville present.
Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A discussion took place in regard to laying a tar and gravel
road in the Pine View Cemetery. Motion was duly made ,
seconded and carried that we put in a tar and gravel road
fro::: the public highway to the circle in front of the
vault and also around the circle, providing that the same
has the approval of tie Town Board of the Sown of Queens-
bury. The secretary is to attend the next meeting of the
Town Board to explain the request to them, and , if possible ,
to arrange for a meeting of the Cemetery Committee of the
Town Board and the Cemetery Commission at the cemetery in
the near future .
Treasurer Frank cotyles reported the following receipts :
Interments vF 80.00
Sale of Lot 220.00
Foundation 15.00
Total 0315.00
Supt . Scoville reported that all the 'cemeteries in the Town
have been cleaned for the third time this year.
Meeting adjourned at 10 :15 P.M.
Secr ary.