11-19-1952 59 REGULAR ?:C_,'TElly ETIrTG November 19 , 1952 Meeting convened at 6 :35 P. L. Present were Commissioners Denny, Cowles and van Dusen and Superintendent Scoville. Commissioner Denny stated that Lrs . Kathryn 2. Eddy O 'Brien had informed him that she had deeds to several lots in Pine Viet' Cemetery and that she would be willing to sell some of these lots. The Board discussed these lots and directed Supt . Scoville to see her about them and go over cemetery maps with her and report back to the board. • The secretary reported that the proposed 1953 budget sub- mitted by this commission has been amended by the :;,ueens- bury Town Board and has been approved . Copy of the 1953 • budget follows on the next page . Treasurer Cocrles reported as follows : • Sale of Lots $ 920.00 • interments 105 .00 Total $1025.00 Meeting adjourned at 8 :10 P. M. • A 4Se .•etary . 60 PIIS 7IEt• C .d::LTRY 1°53 Budget COST OF Ii..PRCiTrELE TS : Grading of Cemetery property & preparation of new burial area , seeding , etc . $ 600.00 Neu Equipment 100.00 Laterial for monuments and foundations 50.00 Notes and Interest 1850.00 M2600.00 MAINE? A_.'CE : Personal Service • $5500.00 Repairs to existing equipment 250.00 L:aterial for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas , oil & garage rental 250.00 Compensation insurance 300.00 Bond for Commissioner & Supt . 50.00 Heat 50.00 Lisa. Lxpense 50.00 6550. 00 0°150.00 REVENUES : Sale of Lots , less perpetual care $1500. 00 Fees for opening graves 500.00 Fees for setting markers & monuments 100.00 Fees for rental of vault 25.00 02125.00 Estimated Balance , December 31 , 1952 0.00 2125.00 BUDGET APPROPRIATION $7025.00