12-17-1952 61 .
December 17 , 1952
Eeeting opened at 7 :30 P. M. Present were Commissioners
Denny, Cowles and Van Dusen and Superintendent Scoville . •
Received was an affidavit of Edna S. Dane giving consent
to Arthur F. Fest to make burials in Plots 4 & 5, Lot 133 , •
Sec. 27 . Same was placed on file with Pine View. Cemetery
A check for {,200.00 was received from Estate of Ida V.
Austin, as a contribution to the Endowment Fund. The
secretary was instructed to acknowledge same.
Superintendent Scoville reported that some gravel had
been drawn and placed on the cemetery roads .
The commission, after discussion, decided that we were
not in a position to purchase lots owned by Mrs . Kathryn
E. Eddy O 'Brien.
Treasurer Cowles reported the following receipts :
Sale of Lots 120.00
Openings 175 .00
Foundations 15.00
Total 4 310.00
Eeeting adjourned at 9 :40 P. E. •