05-19-1953 66
May 19 , 1953
All Commissioners present also Caretaker Scoville.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to authorize
the caretaker to purchase rye grass seed for use in the
cemetery. Caretaker was directed to give notice to Bert •
Granger that he is to get through work at the end of the
month of May. Also directed that Wallace Denton is to
be hired full time.
Caretaker is instructed to get proper tools to Mt.
Herman Cemetery so that Samuel Chadwick may clean that
cemetery. Mr. Chadwick is to clean the cemetery three
times during the summer for the sum of $75 for the three
cleanings. . He is to be under the supervision of Caretaker
Scoville and is not to handle any power equipment.
Receipts :
Interments 0110.00
Foundations 15.00
0 125.00
Meeting Adjourned at 9 :45 P.M.
Sec etary