11-18-1953 72 Regular Monthly Meeting - November 18 , 1953 4 :45 P .M. Commissioners Denny, Cowles & Van Dusen Present , also Caretaker Scoville . Secretary stated that letter.:has been sent to Mrs. William Robinson inforiging her that the Town -of cueensbur•y may not legally pay money for care , maintainence or repair of private burial plots , and therefor we may not legally repair the fence on the Austin Burial plot on the Rockwell Road ; south of Lake Sunnyside . A discussion took place on the condition of the ` iron fence at Mt . Hermon Cemetery and its need of painting. Motion duly made , seconded and carried that we should contact the Town Board and determine whether they wish fences around outlying cemeteries painted. Receipts : Openings $60.00 Sale of Lots 10.80 $ 70.80 -Meeting adjourned at 5 :45 P.M. Sear ary PINE VIEW CEMETERY 1954 Budget COST OF IMPROVEMENTS; Improvement to roadways, causeway, culverts and pond. $500.00 New Equipment • 150.00 Material for monuments & Foundations 50.00 $700.00 MAINTAINAN.CE: Personal Service $60000.00 Repairs to existing equipment 150,.00 Material "for ground maintenance 00.00 g ., Gas & oil for equipment 200.00 rCompensation insurance 300.00 Bond for Commissioners & Supt. 50.00 Heat 50.00 Miscl. 50.00 $6,950.00 $7,650_.00 REVtWES s Sale of Lots, less perpetual care $2,000.00 Fees for opening graves H500.00 Fees for setting monuments 100.00 • Fees for rental of Vault 25.00 2,625.00 Estimated balance, December 310 1953 1.500.00 $4,125.00 r • - 1 BUDGET APPROPRIATION $3,525.00