09-22-1954 78- (27 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING • September 22 , 1954 8 :00 P.M. Commissioners Denny; Cowles and Van Dusen present. Also , caretaker Scoville . Caretaker reported that the dam has been completed and water let into same , .but a small leak developed near the bottom of the tube , and the water was let out . Discussion took piece regarding the annual budget for the coming year. Receipts : Sale of Lots $ 460.00 Interments 165 . 00 $625.00 Meeting adjourned at 9 :10 P.M. 7y REGULAR MONTHLY ECETIP?G October 20, 1954 8 P. M. Commissioners Denny, Cowles and Van Dusen present , also caretaker Scoville . A discussion on the problem of repairing the leak under the tube of the dam in Pineview. otion duly made , seconded and carried that Bernard Codner be directed to make the necessary repairs to stop the small leak. Receipts : Sale of Lots $360.00 Interments 175.00 535.00 Meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P.M. --et.--L4 Sec etar•y