12-14-1955 AZ
December 14, 1955
7:30 P.M.
All Commissioners and Supt. present.
Secretary, Sidney Van Dusen reported that $1000 has been
received by the Town Supervisor from the New York Power and Light
Corp for crossing Pine View Cemetery property.
Discussion on auditors report on Cemetery Commission records.
Motion duly made, seconded and carried that beginning January 1st,
1956, that both Frank Scoville and Treasurer, Frank Cowles start
using a duplicate receipt system as recommended by the Auditors.
Motion made, seconded and carried that the Secretary request
the Town Board to raise Frank Scoville's salary $200 and to increase
the hourly pay rate of laborers to $1.15 per hour.
Motion duly made, seconded and carried that we secure a bond
for Frank Scoville, to cover monies received by him on behalf of
the Cemetery Commission.
Sale of Lots $ 520.00
Openings 35,00
$ 555.00
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
S retary