10-20-1954 78- (17 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING September 22 , 1954 8 :00 P.M. Commissioners Denny Cowles and Van Dusen present. Also , caretaker Scoville . Caretaker reported that the dam has been completed and water let into same , .but a small leak developed near the bottom of the tube , and the water was let out . Discussion took place regarding the annual budget for the coming year . Receipts ; • Sale of Lots 460.00 Interments 165.00 - $625.00 Meeting adjourned at 9 :10 P.M. • —4-261 Secre ��y REGULAR MOETHLY M�'ETING October 20, 1954 8 P. M. Commissioners Denny, Cowles and Van Dusen present , also caretaker Scoville . A discussion on the problem of repairing the leak under the tube of the dam in Pineview. l-otion duly made , seconded and carried that Fernard Codner be directed to make the necessary repairs to stop the small leak. Receicts : Sale of Lots $360.00 Interments 175.00 535.00 Meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P.M. Sec etary • PH ,r: PIBEVIEW CEMETERY 1955 Budget ti COST OF IMPROVEMENTS: Improvements to cemetery $1,000.00 Nee Equipment 200.00 Material for Foundations 50.00 i 01250.00 MAINTENANCE : Personal Services $ 6,000.00 . i Repairs to Existing Equipment 150.00 i , Material for ground maintenance 100.00 Gas & Oil for equipment 100,00 Compensation Insurance 300.00 Bond for Comm. & Supt. 50.00 Heat 50.00 { Misc. _ 50.00 $ 6,800.00 . 8,050.00 • ;I REVENUES: i Sale of Lots, Less Perpetual Care $ 2,000.00 Fees for Opening Graves 1,.000.00. Fees for Setting Monuments 100.00 Fees for Rental of Vault 25.00 6 Estimated Balance, Dec. 31, 1954 " " ' ' 3,125.00 Budget Appropriation a 4,925.00 Note : The Cemetery Commission anticipates increasing the rate for the sale of lots effective Jan. 1, 1955, ' making our prices equal to those of nearby cemeteries. —I i�,