03-19-1958 100 Regular Meeting March 19, 1958 All Commissioners present Supt. Scoville reported ahat the roadway on the North side of the cemetery is breaking up to some extent. Mr. H. Russell Harris is checking same for possible future repairs. Receipts: Openings $ 165.00 Vault rentals 15.00 180.00 Meeting adjourned at 5:45 F.M. Secre ry Regular meeting April 16, 1958 Commissioners Cowles and Van Dusen present. On recommendation of Franklin Scoville, motion was duly made, seconded and carried that we authorize the purchase of a lawn sweeper from Richard Meade for the sum of $31.50, and further authorizing the purchase of a weed killer chemical in an amount up to $50.00. Receipts: Sale of lots $ 253.00 Openings 210.00 Foundations 4.78 $ 467.78 Meeting adjourned at 5-P.!4.