10-21-1959 1 (17
Regular meeting
October 21, 1959
All present.
Openings $220.00
Meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M.
Sec ary
-Regular meeting
November 18, 1959
All present.
Sale of Lots t 220.00
Openings 415.00
Vault rental 15.00
Authorized Supt. to purchase two new power mowers for
use in Pineview Cemetery;
Meeting adjourned at 5:151P.M.
Regular Meeting
December 22, 1959
All Commissioners present.
Discussion took place relative to the proposed east west
by-pass which is being considered by the Warren County Board of
Supervisors and which, if adopted, will likely take some of the
front of Pineview cemetery for said roadway.
Permission was granted to Charles E. Aubrey to give his sister,
Grace Aubrey Fisher unrestricted use of his burial plot # 6-A,
Kenesaw Section, Pine View Cemetery.
Sale of Lots $ 650.00
Openings 40.00
Meeting adjourned at 5:30 P.M. �
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