11-06-1961 117 ` REGULAR MEETING September 13 , 1961 , 4:30 P.M. All Commissioners and Frank Scoville are present. Supt. Scoville reported on work being done in the outlying cemeteries of the Town. West Glens Falls Cemetery still requires more work done. Sunnyside Cemetery fence is in bad repair. Supt. Scoville is to look into these matters: RECEIPTS: Sale of lots w 395.00 * Openings 420.00 $ 815 .00 Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M. • Secretary. REGULAR MEETING October 11, 1961 , 4:45 P.M. All Commissioner and Frank Scoville are present. Frank Scoville reported that the fence at Sunnyside Cemetery has been repaired. RECEIPTS: Sale of lots $ 494.00 Openings 1$0.00 $ 674.00 Meeting adjourned at 5: 30 P.P. Secretary. REGULAR MEETING November 6, 1961 , 4:45 P.M. All commissioners & Frank Scoville are present. Request received from Mr. John Bickley to be allowed to give permission for the burial of Nellie Brown (aka Vivian) , and Claudius Brown in his plot # 249, Sec. 27, Wah-ta-wah Plot. Permission is granted. Certificate is to be filed with Caretaker of Pine View Cemetery. RECEIPTS: • Sale of Lots $ 962. 50 Interments 405.00 $1367. 50 Meeting adjourned at 5: 10 P.M- Secretary.