01-15-1964 127
Dec. 20, 1963
4:45 P.M.
All Commissioners & Supt. Scoville present.
A discussion was held relative to the price of single
interment lots in Pine View Cemetery. The Glens Falls Cemetery
is charging $55 .00 and we are getting $45.00. Motion was
duly made, seconded and carried that we raise our price to
$55.00 for single interments to become effective on Jan. 1,
Discussion on an offer to us to purchase lands adjacent
to the Mt. Hermon Cemetery to entarge the cemetery which is
now completely used and all lots sold, so far as we know.
It was the consensus of opinion that we should not take any
steps toward the acquisition of more land at this cemetery.
The Commissioner of Welfare has suggested that we again
make use of welfare recepients to work at cutting of brush
& trees at the Pine view cemetery. Having had rather bad
results at previous trys in this procedure, it was duly moved,
seconded and carried that we not avail ourselves of this
service at this time.
Sale of Lots $ 1,300.00
Openings 200.00
1, 500
P.M.eeting adjourned at 5: 35 P. . - ti://,07,-;11ts ,
S retary
January 15 , 1964
4:45 P.M.
All commissioners & Supt. Scoville present .
Supt. reported that two tires on the dump turck will
have to be replaced. Motion duly made, seconded and carried
that he be authorized to purchase two tires for the truck and
further, to purchase a 3/s" Electric Drill for use in the
Sale of lots $ 390.00
Interments 210.00
Vault rental 15.00
$ 615.00
Meeting adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Annual Report 1963
Cemetery Commission - Town of Queensbury
Balance, January 1, 1963 $ 738.79
Sale of Lots . . 36,475.00
Openings 3,960.00
Vault Rent 330.00
Foundations 267.50
Investment Income 371.30
Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
75% Sale of Lots 54,856.25
Openings 3,960.00
Vault Rent 330.00
Foundations 267.50
' 9,413.75
Total Receipts $11,403.80
Total Disbursements9,413.75
Net Income 1,990.05
Balance Jan. 1, 1963 783.79
Balance as per Bank Account December 31, 1963 $2,778.84
Interest earned and left in Savings Account 0 176.21
Investments as of January 1, 19614
$1,000.00 U.S.A. Treasury Note, 4 7/8f, Due 11-15-64
31,000.00 » n n » n er
t1, 000.00 tl ! R tt
31,000.00 !! ! fl
11,000.00 ^ t! !t » ft n
4 500.00 U.S.A. Treasury Mond, 2-17% 1962-67
n 500.00 +! +t tt n
$1,000.00 Central New York Power Corp. General Mortgage Bond
3% Series, Due 1974
51,000.00 General Motors Acceptance Corp. 3 5/8 , Debenture - Due 9-1-75
$1,000.00 " rt tr n n e +r
i $6,000.00 Savings Account - Glens Palls National Bank & Trust Co.