02-05-1964 128 REGULAR MEETING Feb. 5 1964 4:30 P.M. All commissioners & Supt. Scoville . present No problems & no business transacted. RECEIPTS: Sale of lots $130.00 . Openings 205 .00 Vault rental 60.00 $ 395.00 Meeting ddjourned at 4: 50 P.M. Se etary REGULAR MEETING Mar. 4, 1964 4:40 P.M. Commissioners Cowles & Van Dusen present , also Supt. Scoville. Discussion took place relative to a request by the Cale Development Company (Wards Shopping Plaza ) to purchase an addition triangle of land adjacent to their original purchase so as to give them room for a driveway to their warehouse area. Resolution was duly passed releasing this additional triangular piece as not being required by us for use a a burial ground. RECEIPTS: Sale of Lots $ 315.00 Openings 4 310.00 b'd5.00 Meeting adjourned at 5: 30 P.M. 4 /•cretary REGULAR M'fEETING _ Apr. 16, 1964 4:30 P.M. All Commissioners and Supt. Scoville present . No new business , nothing acted upon. RECEIPTS: Sale of Lots $ 6$5 .00 Interments 450.00 $1135.00 . Meeting adjourned at 4:40 P.M. S etary