05-06-1964 129 . REGULAR MEETING May .6, 1964 4;45 P.M. All Commissioners & Supt. Scoville present . Discussion took place relative to the care of all outlying cemeteries in the Town. Part of the "abandoned" cemeteries have been taken care of by Grange , Boy Scouts, etc. but some are not yet spoken for, and if we are not able to secure soem group to care for the rest, our Pine View Employees will have to do the work. Supt. Scovill recommended that we purchase a drum of oil for use at the the Pine View Cemetery. He was authorized to purchase the same. RECEIPTS: Sale of Lots $130 .00 Openings 105 .00 $ 235.00 Meeting ddjourned at. 5:15 P.M. artx Se etary REGULAR MEETING June 10, 1964 4:40 P.M. Commissioners Cowles & Van Dusan present , also Supt. Scoville. Discussion on the need for additional fencing at the Seelye Cemetery on Ridge Road. We are to meet with the owners of the Golf Course and evaalate the situation and make recommendation to them for the proper fencing along the side of the golf course. Secretary reported that the Boy Smuts cannot clothe Sunnyside Cemetery, so our men will have to do that also. RECEIPTS: Sale of Lots $650.00 Interments 420.00 foundations 66. 50 Miscl . 40.00 $ 1176. 50 Meetingadjourned at 5:15 P.M. Sec ary