01-05-1965 ' a1
Nov. 4, 1964
4:40 P.M.
All Commissioners present, also Supt. Scoville.
Discussion on culvert pipe problems at the drive-
.ways to Pineview Cemetery. Sand is washing in and filling the
pipe during heavy rain storms. Warren County Dept. of High-
ways to be contacted by the Secretary to try to have them
remedy the situation.
1965 budget figures were discussed. Also plans for
a new office and garage for Pineview cemetery were discussed
with the anticipated construction date to begin in 1965.
Sale of Lots $ 2,044.00
Openings 975.00
$ 3 ,019.00
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M.
Secr ary
Dec. 9, 1964
4:40 P.M.
All Commissioners & Supt. Scoville are present.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that this
Board make a recommendation to the Town Board that the salary
of Suptl Scoville be increased to $4,000.00 per year.
Secretary is to transmit this information tb the town Board.
Sale of Lot s $ 364.00
Interments 420.00
• $ 784.0(5
Meeting adjourned at 5 :00 P.M. -
/ 1
Jan. 5, 1965
4:30 P.M. -
All Commissioners & Supt. Scoville present.
• Treasurer, Frank Cowles filed his annual report for
1964 with the Secretary and stated that same had been filed
with Town Supervisor, John 0. Webster.
Discussion on the subject of acceptance of two checks from
the Warren County Treasurer for use of perpetual care of Gurney
Lan Cemetery.. These checks have been held by the County
Treasurer for some time and werd left by two individuals in their
wills- for that purpose. The New Treasurer would like to turn
over the money to us so that it can be properly administered.
Motion was duly made, seconded, and carried that when the proper
petition papers are prepared by the County Treasurer (thru the
County Attorney) , we sign4 them and when acceptable to the Court ,
we place the money in the perpetual care fund to be earmarked
for Gurney Lane Cemetery.
, Discussion took place regarding possible increase of rates
for openings & lots in Pineview Cemetery to conform to proposed
increases in the Glens Falls Cemetery.
Next meeting to be held on Feb. 4th at 4: 30 P.M. together
with the Cemetery Commission of the City of Glens Falls to talk
over possible rate changes, policy, etc.
Sale of Lots $130.00
Openings 160.00
$ 290.00
Meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. .'
ecr= tary
Because of illness of Glens Falls Mayor
& others, no meeting was held in February as scheduled.
MARCH 4, 1965
4:30 P.M.
All Commissioners, Supt. Scoville are present.
Also present is the Mayor of the City of Glens Falls, and
Cemetery Commissioners of the City of Glens Falls A.P. Miller,
Arthur J. Mackey and Bay St. Cemetery Supt . Donald Palmer.
A thorough discussion of rates and fees to be charged in the
Glens Falls Cemetery & Pineview was held, and agreement was
reached so as tnx to make uniformity between the two cemeteries.
Motion was duly made, seconded and carried that the new rates will
become effective May 1, 1965 in the Pine View Cemetery:
For Openings - $60.00
Price of Lots, including perpetual care - $1.50 per Sq. Ft.
Charges for foundations - $1.00 per Cu. Ft. with a min. of $10.00
Charge for setting corner stones - Per set of 4 - $4.00
Charge for opening - Stillborn $15.00 - all others under 5 Ft.
(Vault rental will remain at $15.00)
RECEIPTS: Sale of Lots $1,0$5.00
0. -nings 570.00
- .t rep //1 60100
Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M. '� y
se,;/ v
Balance, January 1, 1964 0 2,778.84
Sale of Lots 6,1. 91.00
Openings 3,770.00
Vault Rent - 75.00
Foundations 77.75
Investment Income 358.80
Reimbursement of damage to Vault 40.00
Redemption U. S. Treasury Notes 5,000.00
$ 15,812.55.
Supervisor, Town of Queensbury
75% Sale of Lots 4,868.25
Openings - 3,770.00
Vault Rent - 75.00
Foundations 77.75
Reimbursement of damage to Vault 40.00
Total Receipts - $15,812.55
Total Disbursements 8,831.00
Net Income 6,981.55
Balance Jan. 1, 1964 2,778.81
0 9,760.39
Balance as per Bank Account December 31, 1964 09,760,39
Investments .as -of January 1, 1965
•5 500.00 U.S.A. Treasury Bond, 2� 1962-67
0 500.00 n n n n n
0' 1,000.90 Central New York Power Corp. General Mortgage Bond
3% Series, Due 1974
$ 1,000.00 General Motors Acceptance Corp. 3 5/6% Debenture - Due 9-1-75
1,000.00 n It n n n it et it
0 6,394.28 Savings Account 4- Glens Falls National Bank & Trust Co.