11-03-1966 143
Regular meeting
Nov. 3, 1966
4:30 P.M.
Commissioners Denny, Cowles & Van Dusen , also Supp.Scoville
Sale of Lots $ 205.00
Openings 300.00,
Discussion on installation of the new heating system.
Oil tank has been installed & Mannis is waiting for a part
of the furnace to arrive before completing: the installation.
Request was received from Grover Flint Of South Glens
Falls for a price on a burial plot in the front part of the
cemetery. Discussion took place and it was decided to re-
design the lay-out of this portion of the cemetery and that
lots would be sold in 10 x 10 foot squares instead of the
circular arrangement which was originally laid out. Supt.
Scoville was authorized to purchase a used grass trimmer
for a price of $50 from the Smith Equipment Co.
- Meetingaijourned at 5:45 P M.
Regular Meeting
Dec. 7, 1966
4:30 P.M. •
Commissioners Cowles & Van Dusen, also Supt. Scoville
New Heating "system,was explained and operated by
the installer, Mannis Oil'Heat.
Sale of Lots $ 750
Openings $ 240
Furniture for the new office has been secured from the
Town Hall. Old barn which was our former office & garage has
been removed and the ground leveled in front of the new
Discussion took place on proper methods of grading,
seeding, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 6: 15 P.M.