11-01-1967 148 to make preliminary survey & set grade stakes for the new area. Supt. Scoville will meet with him: to outline the desired area. Meeting adjourned at 5:40 P.M. Secretary. Regular meeting November 1, 1967 4:30 P.M. All Commissioners & Supt. Scoville present. Grading project for the new area was examined and recommend- ation made that a drainage ditch be made at intersection of office drive and main Oemetery Road to take care of surface water next spring. Town Survey, John Van Dusen to set proper grade stakes. Receipts: Sale of bots $ 675 Interments 590 $1,265 Authorized Supt. Scoville to purchase necessary grass seed and fertilizer for the new area. Meeting adjourned at 5:3 0 P.M. --41:27 Sec ary Regular Meeting Dec. 6, 1967 4:30 P.M. Commissioners Cowles & Van Dusen, also Supt. Scotille present. Receipts: Sale of Lots $ Ulf 105.00 Foundations 87 Interments 600 $ 92 Discussion on O'Brien Lot. Secretary is to contact Mrs. O'Brien & Mrs.. Maranville about 2 correction deeds. Supt. stated that the pond has been drained for the winter. Meeting adjourned at 5: 40 P.M. Note: - Additional money was turned over to the Treas on Dec. 21st: - / Sale of Lot $150 Interments 180 Total -$330 Secr. a' y a %