07-03-1968 152
July 3, 1968
3: 15 P.M.
Commissioners Coles Van Dusen & Denny present
also, F. Scoville &•John Dunn. �.
Interments 420.00
Sale of Lots 300.00
• Foundations 205.00 _
Motion duly made, seconded�&�•carried that we purchase a
14 X 20 foot steel storage buildingfrom the Glens Falls
Insulation Company for the sum of 659 ;00.
The state of New York is .proposing a re-location of the
Quaker Road - Route 9 Crossing. Said re-location would entail
purchase of 4.66 Acres of land at the front of Pineview Cemetery.
Land-taking maps and proposal to -pay the Town of gueensbury
the sum of $40,000.00 for the acquisition of this land. Motion
duly made , seconded & carried that this Board recommend to the
Town Board that this offer of $40,000.00 be accepted and that the
necessary papers be signed to effect the sale.
In connection with this recommendation, it is our further
recommendation that i of this amount be turned back to the Cemetery
Commission .. - to go into the perpetual care fund and the
balance for a new dump truck, roads & improvements to the Cemetery.
Meeting adjourned at 4:3 P. �--
Secre -ry
Regular Meeting
Aug; 7th, 1968
4:30 P.M.
Commissioners Cowles & Van Dusen present
Also Supt. Scoville & John Dunn.
Sale of Lots $450.00
Openings 0.00
Discussion took place regarding perpetual Care Monies.
State Auditors have indicated that the Perpetual Care money on
deposit with Glens Falls Savings & Loan Assn ($10.000) is
not a proper legal investment. Motion was duly made, seconded
& Carried that the Treasurer investigate 'the legality of this
investment & that new investments which will be legal be ascertained
and report at the next meeting.
Motion duly made, seconded & carried that Supt. of Pineview
cemetery deposit monies received by him directly in the bank
and that duplicate deposit slips be turned over'to he trea curer
at the monthly meetings.
-/ Gjl Meeting adjourned at 5:35 P.N' . Ra--_